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Pay My Bill: Triview Forest Lakes

Triview Newsletter – April 2021

  The March 14 snowstorm lived up to expectations with some 27” falling in the district. A huge thanks to our team for their work removing the snow and to our residents for keeping cars off the roads. We had…

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Triview Newsletter – February 2021

2020 Year In Review While 2020 was a memorable year for many of the wrong reasons, there were many bright spots in the Triview Metro District to share. Triview Focuses on Water to Protect our Future  If the Triview Metro…

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Triview Newsletter – December 2020

Voters Approve Ballot Issue to Ensure Continued District Operations The Triview Metro District Board of Directors wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to district voters for approving ballot issue 6A by a 59-41 percent margin. The ballot issue, which does…

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Triview Newsletter – October 2020

Jackson Creek Parkway Wins Public Works Award The Triview Metropolitan District was recognized by the Colorado Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) for the Jackson Creek Parkway improvement project. The APWA award recognized the “creativity, ingenuity, and efficiency…

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Triview Newsletter – August 2020

District Focuses on Financial Future These are indeed the strangest of times. Unless you were around for the Spanish Flu in 1918 (and we’re guessing you were not), it is safe to say that none of us have ever endured…

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Triview Newsletter – July 2020

Water continues to be a hot topic of discussion in the District, so we wanted to address a few of the more common questions we are getting about water rates, usage, how residents are billed, and how to better understand…

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Triview Newsletter – June 2020

Triview Acquires Water and Storage Capacity from Arkansas River As we’ve shared in previous newsletters, we continue to look for cost-effective opportunities to acquire additional water rights as we transition from non-renewable Denver Basin groundwater to renewable surface water. Having…

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Triview Newsletter – May 2020

Shop Local! Your local support is needed now more than ever. Many of the Monument retailers and restaurants are open during this time. We encourage you to order online or call them to get a meal, buy a gift or…

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Triview Newsletter – March 2020

Triview Drills New Wells to Secure Additional Water You may have noticed drilling equipment in the District over the past few weeks. This work was for drilling two new wells to access additional water sources: the Arapahoe Aquifer (A-9), which…

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Triview Newsletter – February 2020

2019 Year in Review The Triview Metropolitan District is a terrific place to live and work, and part of that is due to all of the people working hard behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. Whether…

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