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Pay My Bill: Triview Forest Lakes

The district continues its efforts to improve safety and traffic flow along 5,500 feet of Higby Road from Jackson Creek Parkway to Harness Road. The improvements include:

  • Adding two roundabouts to increase traffic flow and provide traffic calming — roundabouts reduce fatal and injury crashes by ~80%.
  • Creating pedestrian crossings for students and others.
  • Adding a 5-foot sidewalk on the north side of Higby and an 8-foot multi-use trail on the south side.
  • Providing shared bicycle lanes and center islands to prevent dangerous left turns.
  • Providing greater access in the event of a wildland fire.

On March 3, the Triview board of directors decided to refer a ballot measure to the voters that would allow the district to borrow funds (without raising taxes) to complete this project. A recent financing and engineering study estimated the improvements for this capital project to cost $12.6 million; if funding is secured, construction would begin summer 2025.

Proposed view of Higby Road with rendering overlayed
A view of the new proposed Higby Road looking west, with Lewis Palmer High School on the right.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nothing. If the Triview Metro District board of directors decides to refer a question to the ballot, it would be to allow the district to increase its debt — which would be paid back over time using existing revenue. The district does not intend to increase property taxes. In fact, the district has lowered its property tax rate by reducing its mill levy from 35 mills to 20.5 mills over the past five years — saving residents about $2,000 over the last five years for a home valued at $600,000.

First, increased traffic on Higby Road has contributed to more speed and safety issues — especially near the high school. And second, the costs of construction go up every year. Less than four years ago, the cost of this project was estimated at $4 million.

Yes. Creekside Developers Inc. has provided $2.2 million and will provide additional funds as new development occurs along the south side of Higby Road.

The project is planned for two phases — Bowstring Road to the east of Harness is the first phase, and Jackson Creek Parkway to Bowstring Road is the second phase. This phasing is necessary to accommodate traffic from the high school. The cost is estimated to be $12.6 million and, if full funding is secured, construction will begin summer 2025.

Project Resources

Next Steps

  • The board voted to refer this ballot initiative to Triview Metro District residents, who will ultimately decide whether this project moves forward.


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