Triview Newsletter – July 2022

The landscaping has been completed at the intersection of Baptist Road and Leather Chaps, welcoming everyone into the community. The work for the new entrance was done by the talented Triview staff, saving the district a substantial amount of money. A special thanks to those employees who worked on this project.
Request Permission Before Accessing Open Space
Our parks and open space are some of the jewels of living in the Triview Metro District. In fact, the district offers 238.24 acres of open space within its boundaries. Our staff works hard to protect and maintain those spaces, including spending significant time mowing, weeding, pruning and watering the landscape.
We want to remind homeowners that if you need to access the open space to have something delivered to your backyard, you must notify the district in advance by calling 719-488-6868 or emailing us at Also, from time to time, we’ve noticed that residents have cut down trees or bushes that are located in the open space. That is expressly prohibited. If there are trees or vegetation that you think should be removed, please notify us and we will work with you.
Additionally, residents are reminded that they should not put any structures, including playhouses, on open space land. The property belongs to the community, not any one homeowner. We appreciate your help with keeping our open space protected.
Below is a snapshot of all the landscapes the Triview Metro District oversees:
- Forestry – 93.4 acres
- Xeric Area – 61 acres
- Turf Grass – 43.7 acres
- Native Grass – 27.3 acres
- Planting Beds – 4.36 acres
- Rock Mulch – 4.15 acres
- Synthetic Turf – 2.64 acres
- Play Surface – .69 acres
Total = 238.24 acres
Update on Northern Delivery System
We continue to share the steps we are taking to ensure that the residents and businesses in the district have access to the water you need. Triview has historically been supplied with water from the nonrenewable Denver Basin Aquifers. Over time, these aquifers produce less water as the water level in our wells decline. Given this, it is imperative that we construct a robust water system that includes surface water rights, reservoir storage, and our nine existing Denver Basin wells. Use of these wells helps shave peak demand and provide a drought reserve in the event our surface water rights produce less water than expected due to fluctuations in the hydrologic cycle.
As we’ve shared previously, it is not enough to own water rights – we also must have a delivery system to ensure the water can get to the homes and businesses where it is needed. That is why we wanted to provide an update on one of our projects that does just that – the Northern Delivery System.
We’re pleased to share that we have made substantial progress on the project, and that we are preparing for construction on Segment C of the pipeline, which starts in Agate Park and continues northeast before moving due north along the boundary between Homeplace Ranch and Jackson Creek Filing 3-6. Once completed, it will provide water to communities along Higby Road and to homes and businesses planned on the west side of I-25.
We have selected a $1.65 million bid from K.R. Swerdfeger Construction to construct that portion of the system, and work should begin early this fall. You can learn more about the NDS and other Triview water projects on our website.
Schedule Water Meter Installation
If you are interested in saving money and protecting our community’s natural resources, have we got an offer for you: a FREE smart water meter. Every resident is required to upgrade to the new digital water meters, and we encourage you to do that sooner than later.
The new water meters allow you to identify water leaks in almost real-time, saving you money and preventing the unnecessary loss of water. The new meter, including installation by trained staff, is FREE and takes only 20-30 minutes. Homeowners need to be present during the installation.
To schedule an appointment, call 719-488-6868 or email us at